
Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil.
For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow.
But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up!
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 (ESV)

God never intended for people to do ministry alone.  Jesus had his apostles; they encouraged him and shared his work, even though they sometimes failed.  The apostles had their coworkers (Paul and Silas and Timothy, Peter and John Mark), who in the same way encouraged them and prayed for them as they shared the work of the Kingdom together.

Biblijski institut provides resources, training, and supporting relationships for the people who serve the churches in Croatia and beyond.  We want to help pastors and church leaders to have healthy, balanced lives, where they do not think they have to do everything by themselves, alone.

God doesn’t want his servants to be burned out or exhausted.  God wants his servants to be equipped, and to be part of teams of servants who are equipped to do the work of ministry.  That’s why the Biblijski institut teaches classes in understanding and applying the Bible.

God wants his servants to be healthy, and to lead healthy churches.  That’s why the Biblijski institut promotes networks of servants who support each other and pray for each other.

God wants his servants to have the resources and materials they need to teach the Bible well, and to develop others who teach and serve.  That’s why the Biblijski institut publishes the resources we publish in Croatian every year.

We are here for the churches.  If there is something we can do that would be helpful or beneficial for your church, tell us.  We want to see God’s Kingdom grow in Croatia with faithful, healthy churches.

The Bible Institute works with various churches, denominations, associations and institutions in Croatia to strengthen fellowship and cooperation among Christians across the country.

Some of our projects are:

Collaboration with local church communities and institutions


Organizing conferences, round tables and seminars

Organizing other events for the public

Distribution of children’s Bibles to families, educational institutions and churches

Organizing camps for children and youth –

Activities of the Evangelical Theological Society –


Cooperation with local church communities and institutions

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Organizing conferences, round tables and seminars

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