In 2022 the Croatian Ministry of Science and Education approved the Biblical Institute from Zagreb, Croatia, for accreditation for scientific research. This gives us opportunities for more fruitful cooperation with educational and research institutions in humanities and other similar scientific areas of work on studying biblical, reformational and evangelical heritage.
In the next few years, the Biblical institute will run three projects:
(1) Evangelical churches in Croatia (1990-2020)
Leader: dr. sc. Stanko Jambrek
The purpose of the project is to research and analyze legal status, number, prevalence and activities of evangelical churches; systems of biblical, theological and general education applied in the local churches; influence of spiritual movements and important cultural trends, as well as music creativity and state of facilities where local churches gather.
(2) Narrative and metanarrative of the biblical Psalter and biblical psalmody: how the narrative in biblical poetry is used for conveying content and message.
Leader: dr. sc. Danijel Berković
Purpose: Biblical psalmody, as poetic parts of the Holy Scriptures, and then the psalms themselves, are often experienced by readers only as a poetry, and people often miss narrative that is present in such poetic texts. The peculiarity of the Psalter lies in the fact that it connects two key literary types within the Bible: narrative and poetry. Or rather, a narrative in poetry. The goal of identifying narrative in poetic form, with the template of the message that this poetic form contains, is the focus of this scientific project.
(3) The concept of discipleship among evangelical churches in Croatia.
Leader: dr. sc. Ervin Budiselić
The purpose of the project is to explore ways in which Croatian evangelical churches practice the biblical model of discipleship, what challenges and problems they face in doing so, and how all of it affects the building of individuals, families, churches and society in general. The research will be carried out in four phases: discipleship in the Bible; discipleship in western Christianity from the 19th to the 21st century; how evangelical churches in Croatia define and practice discipleship in comparison with the Catholic Church (field research); and application and benefits of the biblical concept of discipleship for society today.